Random Port Generator

About Random Port Generator

The Random Port Generator tool enables you to generate random network ports ranging from 1 to 1000 all at once. The generated port numbers typically fall in the 1024-65535 range, which represents the ports available for use by user applications. Ports are required for data and service routing across networks, and having randomly generated ports can improve security and reduce vulnerabilities.

How to use ?

  • To get started, simply click the "Generate Ports" Button.
  • A List of port will be generated based of user choice.
  • Click on copy button, which will copy the generated ports to clipboard.


  • Generated random ports list (max 1000 can be generated at once).
  • Ease of use - Just increase and decrease the count and click Generate.
  • Allows you to copy the generated ports to clipboard with a single click

What are TCP ports ?

TCP ports are essential components of the TCP/IP networking model, acting as numerical gates for data flow between devices on the Internet and local networks. These port numbers, which range from 0 to 65,535, are critical in distinguishing between the various network services running on a single device or server. TCP ports are divided into three types: Well-Known Ports (0-1023), which are reserved for standard services such as web browsing, Registered Ports (1024-49,151), which are allocated to applications registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), and Dynamic or Private Ports (49,152-65,535), which can be used for temporary use by client applications. These port numbers play an important role in avoiding conflicts between services that belong on the same device.

How do TCP port works ?

When PCs, servers, or networking equipment communicate via a TCP/IP network, these port numbers ensure that data reaches the intended service. An IP address is used to identify an endpoint, while port numbers identify specific services on that endpoint. A client gives both the destination IP address and the port number it wants to connect to on the server to establish a connection. After the connection is established, a sequence of handshakes known as the three-way handshake take place to synchronise and validate the connection. Following that, data can flow bidirectionally between the client and server, with port numbers directing data to the appropriate service.

Common used reserved ports

  • Port 20: FTP Data - Used for FTP data transfer (active mode).
  • Port 21: FTP Control - Used for FTP control commands.
  • Port 22: SSH (Secure Shell) - Provides secure remote access and file transfers.
  • Port 23: Telnet - Allows remote command-line access to a server (less secure than SSH).
  • Port 25: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - Used for sending email messages.
  • Port 53: DNS (Domain Name System) - Resolves domain names to IP addresses.
  • Port 80: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - Used for web browsing and accessing websites.
  • Port 110: POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) - Retrieves email from a server.
  • Port 143: IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) - Allows access to email on a server.
  • Port 443: HTTPS (HTTP Secure) - Secured version of HTTP used for secure web browsing.
  • Port 465: SMTPS (SMTP Secure) - Secure SMTP for sending email over SSL/TLS.
  • Port 587: Submission - Used for email message submission to mail servers.
  • Port 636: LDAPS (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL) - Secure LDAP communication.
  • Port 993: IMAPS (Internet Message Access Protocol over SSL/TLS) - Secure access to email via IMAP.
  • Port 995: POP3S (Post Office Protocol version 3 over SSL/TLS) - Secure access to email via POP3.
  • Port 1433: Microsoft SQL Server - Default port for SQL Server database access.

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FAQs for Random Port Generator

Q: Is the Random Port Generator free ?

A: Yes, Random Port Generator is totally free :)

Q: Can i use the Random Port Generator offline ?

A: Yes, you can install the webapp as PWA.

Q: Is it safe to use Random Port Generator ?

A: Yes, any data related to Random Port Generator only stored in your browser(if storage required). You can simply clear browser cache to clear all the stored data. We do not store any data on server.


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